Our club maintains summit registers on many of Vancouver Island’s peaks.
People enjoy reading through old entries when they are on the summit. Please don’t remove full books unless the container they are inside is damaged or full.
Want to help maintain our summit registers?
We have created an online list of Vancouver Island summit registers.
Anyone can read or edit this list.
1) Let us know about registers that need attention
If you notice that a register is damaged or needs a new book, let us know.
You can click on the online list and write what repairs or materials are required. You can also ">email us this information if you prefer.
2) Take materials with you on your next trip
Before you head out on a trip, check the online list. If you are headed somewhere that needs attention, contact us so we can give you free materials.
We have blank books for summit registers available. We also provide PVC tubes to hold those registers for summits that don’t have them or where they need to be replaced.
To get supplies or return retrieved books please contact .