1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Mike Sampson
Secretary – ??
Treasurer – ??
February 1 – Chris Jones presented “Classic Climbs in the Canadian Rockies” at the Newcombe Auditorium, 8 p.m.
February 2/3 -The Board of Management meeting was held at the Provincial Museum over two long, intensive days in which some 60 major items of business were covered in thorough discussions under the chairmanship of John Tewnion, ACC President. Mike Sampson, Jim Weston, Chris Schreiber, Tim Leadem and Karel Hartman came as observers for varying portions and to present additional information about the Mt. Washington hut proposal. In the upcoming issue we’ll present more details about the Board meeting – we were all impressed by the scope and national scale of activities handled by the main club; something most Section Affiliates probably don’t realize. Part of this effort goes into maintaining and improving the ACC hut system, and after considerable examination the Mt Washington hut proposal received unanimous approval-in-principle. The only matter to be resolved is financing, and at the Banquet on March 14 we hope to present you with an update on the situation. Jim Weston
March 14 – The annual banquet dinner at the Valley Green Inn in Duncan. Don Serl gave a slide show titled Climbing Adventures in the Mount Waddington Area. $8.75 per guest.
May – Dave Hobill presented a slide show on “Climbing in the Saint Elias Range” at the YM-YWCA in Victoria.
May – David Coombes, Margaret Symon, B. McLean and Mike Taylor make the 1st ascent of Popsicle Peak at the head of Pamela Creek. Named after a piece of wood they found which resembled a popsicle stick.
June 14/15 – Sierra Club sponsored a weekend workshop on “How to get the point across when fighting for environmental issues.”
June 28-30 – Rob Macdonald, Rick Eppler, Sonia Heckel, Rick Fisher and Martin Conder climb the Comox Glacier.
July – Joe Bajan and Peter Busch attempt Taulliraju (5830m) in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca.

Taulliraju – Joe Bajan photo.
August 2/3/4 – Tim Leadem to lead a trip to Mt. Anderson in the Olympics.
August – Ralph Hutchinson and Hugh Neave visit the Apes Lake area and make the 1st traverse of Mt. Fyles and Mt. Mongol.
November 14 – The Annual General Meeting was at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel. Joe Bajan presented the story of the bold new route on Taulliraju in the high Andes of Peru. $2.50 per person covered wine and cheese.
Section dues: $6.00
T-Shirts designed by Rick Eppler.
Four-Year Rope Limit: The German Alpine Club has recently made comprehensive tests on climbing rope. Rope from all manufacturers on the German market were tested, both new and ropes of various ages and usage. Some of the 11mm up to four years old had only been in use for short periods and appeared undamaged. After testing, the club came up with the surprising statement: “We have no alternative but to recommend that under no circumstances should ropes over four years old be used for climbing- not even top-roping!” The Club also pointed out that their tests were carried out in laboratory conditions and the results for older ropes would be worse in adverse climatic conditions. It was pointed out that the four-year limit should also include the shelf life of the rope before it was sold.
The Search Goes On
The Mt Washington Hut proposal: what’s happening? The particular location seemed too expensive for the Finance Committee, and there are many other projects which far preceded ours. It is instructive, of course, to note that the lots selling initially for $18,000-22,000, 10 months later are up for re-sale at $45,000-60,000. However, an exciting new possibility is under investigation, also on the boundary of Strathcona Park. Your interest and volunteered time (many hundreds of hours, by our survey) shows strong Section support for a hut on the Island; we’ll keep you posted on developments!
ACCVI Presents Classic Climbs in the Canadian Rockies
Reported in The Daily Colonist Sunday January 27, 1980. p.32.

Text advertisement for a slide show: “Classic Climbs in the Canadian Rockies” by Chris Jones, at the Newcombe Theatre.
ACCVI Executive:
Chairman – Karel Hartman
Secretary – Mike Ounsted
Treasurer – Albert Hesler
Membership – Chris Schreiber
Climbing – Rick Eppler
Publications – Jim Weston
Programs – Greg Foweraker
FMCBC Rep – Rob Macdonald
Skiing – Greg Cousens
January – John Pratt climbs Aconcagua (6962m) in Argentina.
March – Canadians to Climb Mt. Everest, a presentation by team members at the Newcombe Auditorium. Adults: $3.50 Students and OAP: $2.50. $400 raised for the expedition – $240 net from the sale of tickets and $160 from poster sales.
March 6 – At the annual banquet dinner, John Pratt presented an illustrated journey into the South American Andes. Forty members attended. Karel Hartman presented Dave Tansley with the Section Leader Badge, in recognition of Dave’s contributions to the growth and activity of the Vancouver Island Section. To date, other recipients of this award have been Syd Watts, John Gibson and Roger Neave.
April 18 – Rob Macdonald and Rick Eppler visited the Mackenzie Range.
May 10 – Rob Macdonald, Rick Eppler, Tom Lofting, Gil Parker, Ross Parker, Al Phillip and Derek Shaw got to within 300 ft. of the top of Pogo Mtn.
May 30/31 – Mike Sampson led a party of 13 up Klitsa Mtn.
July 11/12 – Gary Allen led a trip to Mt. Shuksan with Nancy Dyer, Brian Money, Gil and Ross Parker, Chris and Irene Schreiber, and Jim Kirby.
July 19-27 – John Gibson, Syd Watts and John Sturhan spent a week exploring Moyeha Mtn. and Mt. Thelwood area via Tennant Lake.
August 1/2/3 – A large party from the section climb Mt. Carrie in the Olympics.
August 7-15 – John Gibson and Syd Watts went in via Flower Ridge and summited Shepherd’s Horn, The Red Pillar, the Comox Glacier, Iceberg Peak, Mt. Celeste and then exited via Ralph Ridge.
August 15/16 – Rick Eppler, Ken James, Don Illingworth and Alan Philip climb the Black Tusk.
August – Ralph Hutchinson, Roger Neave, Hugh Neave, Alfred Menninga, Mike Walsh, Carl and Carolynn Lund, Walter Latter, Paul McEwan and Peg Davidson visit the Stikine Icecap. The 1st ascent of Noel Peak.
September 2/3 – Jim Sandford and John Gresham climb Augerpoint Mtn.
October 8 – A multi-media selection of movies and slides from Kokanee, Shuksan, the Rockies, Arrowsmith, the European Alps and more.
November 12 – The Award-Winning films from the famous Banff International Festival of Mountain Films will begin a nationwide tour in Victoria, sponsored by the ACCVI at UVic.
November 26 – AGM and Wine and Cheese evening with a presentation by Richard Hebda from the Provincial Museum on “The Mystery of Mt. Doom. The Brooks Peninsula Expedition.”

Text advertisement for a slide show and the Annual General Meeting, wine & cheese.
Section member who passed away 1981: Eleanora “Nora” Piggott (29 July).
Dues news:
To support the work of the FMCBC the section has agreed at the AGM to an extra $2 each for section dues for both affiliates and main club members. Also another $2 was approved to cover increased postal costs in the upcoming year.
Junior Section Affiliates (under 21) – $8
Section Affiliates – $10, Couples – $16.
Life Members – $8.
Alpine Club Membership System Under Review:
The national club is reviewing the different forms of membership and the requirements to qualify for senior membership. The present system is based on a traditional approach to mountaineering that took form in the early days when worthwhile mountain ascents were considered as those which included a mixture of climbing: on rock, ice and snow, and which involved reaching summits in the 8,000 to 10,000’ range and higher. Since the 1960’s, and particularly in the 1970’s, mountaineering objectives became more specific; most reasonably accessible peaks had been climbed by their easiest routes and there has been a major shift of emphasis toward climbs that are exclusively rock climbs, ice climbs, snow routes, etc. The significance of altitude has become secondary to the technical demands of these climbs, and with the development of various specialties it has become clear that a club membership criteria based on mixed-climb standards is no longer adequate. This has been particularly evident in Eastern Canada where many extremely competent rock and ice climbers are active who have never seen a glaciated mountain. Your section executive is participating in this review, and we’ll be looking forward to the results. Meanwhile I do encourage section members to switch to associate or senior membership, since for about $1.50 a month you will receive the Canadian Alpine Journal, the Gazette, camp program information, members’ priority and rates at the numerous climbing huts operated by the main club, and discounts on climber’s guides. In addition to all this your fees support the work of the only federally and international recognized representative of the Canadian mountaineering concerns.
Tariff Item 51135-1
The number above is the one you should have in your wallet if you go shopping for climbing gear in the USA or to claim it as customs. A 9% Federal Sales Tax will still apply on many items, but through the direct efforts of the Alpine Club of Canada, the former 16.6% tariff has been removed on these: Protective helmets, tubular webbing, chocks, nuts, angles, bongs, belay plates, rappel rings, ascenders, descenders, ice screws and snow plates (flukes), rock pegs, rock hooks, rescue pulleys, pitons, piton hammers, ice hammers, ice picks (not axes), crampons, beacons and avalanche probes, UIAA climbing ropes, UIAA carabiners, UIAA ice axes and UIAA climbing harnesses. UIAA approval must appear on the item mentioned (eg, on the label; stamped in, etc).
Project Ptarmigan:
The ACCVI are seeking exact details of sightings from recent trips (eg, within the last five years) on the White-Tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucurus saxatilis). This bird is a unique subspecies found only on Vancouver Island.
Greg Foweraker reports on a number of new climbing routes for the “rock jocks” at the following crags: Long Lake region – Nanaimo, Mount Douglas and Mount Wells – Victoria, and Cougar caves – Sooke.
Teacher’s Memory Honored
Reported in the Times Colonist Friday August 26, 1981. p.11.
Friends and former students of the late Eleanora Piggott have established in her memory the Nora Piggott Scholarship Fund for secondary school students. Miss Piggott is best remembered by Victorians for her tenure at Oak Bay Senior Secondary, where she was a teacher and counsellor from 1954 until her retirement in 1966. Born in England, she moved to Canada with her family at an early age and received her schooling in the North Okanagan. She earned her masters of arts at the University of B.C. and her teaching certificate from the Victoria Normal School. She taught in one-room schools in the Interior in the early 1930’s and was principal of Mount Lehman School in the Fraser Valley before joining the staff of the old Mount View High School on Carey Road. She went from there to Oak Bay. Miss Piggott was a member of the Victoria Historical Society, the English Speaking Union, the Victoria University Women’s Club, the Thetis Park Nature Sanctuary Society, was a docent (lecturer and guide) for the provincial museum and a life member of the Alpine Club of Canada. Miss Piggott died July 29 in Royal Jubilee Hospital. (Obituary in Times Colonist August 29, 1981. p.41.)
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Karel Hartman
Secretary – ??
Treasurer – Albert Hestler
April 6 – The annual banquet dinner at George’s Dining Lounge. $12.95 per person. John Gibson and Syd Watts gave an slide show titled “Strathcona: An Island Wilderness.”
May 1 – Stephen Bezruchka, the author of A Guide to Trekking in Nepal, gave an illustrated public lecture.
October 28 – Doug Scott gave a slide show titled “Himalaya Rock and Ice: Alpine Style.” Admission: Adults $4, ACC/OAP/Students $3, Under 14 $2.
November 12 – Club AGM/Wine and Cheese evening. Geoff Freer, BC Avalanche Specialist gave a presentation on Avalanche Awareness.
Mountaineering workshops registration: The ACC Mountaineering Workshop series is open to members at $1.00 for each session attended and to non-members at $2.00.
Nun Kun Expedition (7077m) – proposed for the summer of 1983 and seeking participants with prior experience over 5000m. The massif consisting of two summits is on the border of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh in Northern India. Organized by John Pratt.

Letter from the Indian Mountaineering Foundation dated June 1, 1982 to Dr. J.C. Pratt, informing that Nun Peak is available to be climbed from June 10 to July 15, 1983.

Nun Kun – Himalayan Expedition photo.
Membership dues:
Life members $8
Individual section members $10
Shared membership $16
Junior member $8
Storm Stalls Jet Search
Reported in the Comox District Free Press Friday December 3, 1982. p.1 & 2.
A southeaster storm temporarily halted a search Thursday afternoon for a U.S. Air Force jet that went missing shortly after take-off from CFB Comox Tuesday night. Bad weather has severely hampered search efforts since Captain Frank Mendes, 31, and his T-33 training jet disappeared of CFW Comox radar screens shortly after his 9:40 p.m. take-off. A CFB Comox spokesman said Mendes was participating in a target mission exercise. He took off in “dark and dirty” weather, turned left heading towards the southwest and the Strathcona Park area and disappeared off the radar. His last radio report indicated he was about 6000 feet altitude in cloud. CFB Comox 442 search and rescue squadron immediately began looking for the missing plane about 10 p.m. but its aircraft were severely restricted because of weather conditions. The search resumed all day Wednesday, with Buffalo airplanes and Labrador helicopters conducting both electronic and visual searches of the area. The search was postponed about 4 p.m. due to poor weather and was not resumed Thursday, although search aircraft are standing by to take-off as soon as the storm passes. Captain Mendes is attached to the 144th Fighter Interceptor Wing stationed near Fresno, California and is a member of the U.S. Air National Guard. Flying alone, Mendes left Fresno on Monday to take part in the two-day NORAD interceptor exercise involving both Canadian and U.S. aircraft. The exercise went on as scheduled both Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Pilot Killed in Jet Search
Reported in the Comox District Free Press Wednesday December 8, 1982. p.1 & 3.
A military board of inquiry will attempt to determine why an American jet pilot crashed and was killed at the 6000-foot level on Mount Albert Edward November 30. The body of Captain Frank Mendes, 31, was brought off the mountain Sunday afternoon. An American search helicopter discovered the wreckage of his T-33 training craft late Saturday. Mendes had been participating in a joint Canadian-American interceptor exercise. He took off from CFB Comox at 9:40 p.m. November 30 and disappeared from radar shortly afterward. Weather at the time had been described as “dark and dirty,” and continued rain and cloud hampered initial search efforts. Search craft from Comox’s 442 Squadron were assisted by helicopters from Fort Lewis, Washington and from Whitbey Island, Washington. Captain Trevor Kennedy, public relations officer at CFB Comox, said Mendes crashed at 30 feet below the crest of the ridge on the 6800-foot mountain, located about 40 kilometres southwest of the base. Kennedy said the aircraft exploded on impact, with wreckage being scattered over a wide area. Spotting the crash site was made more difficult by subsequent avalanche which covered most of the debris. Crew members of the American-based Blackhawk helicopter could see only the tail section, he said. An American military inquiry under the supervision of Colonel Ralph Laline will investigate the crash. A Canadian board member will assist with the inquiry. Kennedy said much of the T-33’s instrumentation was retrieved from the crash site Sunday. Captain Mendes had been attached to the 144th Fight Interceptor Wing stationed at Fresno, California, and was a member of the U.S. Air National Guard.
Fatal Crash Site
Reported in the Comox District Free Press Friday December 10, 1982. p.3.

Fatal crash site. Military search personnel examine the wreckage of a U.S. Air Force T.33 training jet that crashed on Mt. Albert Edward (location shown on inset photo) last week during a NORAD exercise from CFB Comox. The U.S. Air National Guard pilot Capt. Michaél Mendes, of California was killed in the crash which occurred at 9:40 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 30 at about the 6.000 foot level of the mountain. Part of the debris was covered by an avalanche.
The following is the report, diagrams, and photos of the T-33 crash obtained from the U.S. Air Force.
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Karel Hartman
Secretary – Chris Schreiber
Treasurer – Albert Hestler
Programs Committee – Karel Hartman and Mike Sampson
Membership – Gary Allen
FMCBC Rep – William Peters
January 1 – Lindsay Elms and Peter Fersterer climb Mt. Batur (1717m) on the Indonesian island of Bali.

Mt. Batur on Bali, Indonesia.
January 6 – Lindsay Elms and Peter Fersterer climb Mt. Bromo (2329m) on the Indonesian island of Java.

Mt. Bromo on Java, Indonesia.
April – Lindsay Elms solos Chukkung Ri (5550m) in Nepal.
Summer – Don Berryman, Dave Hobill and Sandy Briggs climb Monta Rosa, the Dufourspitze, the Dom, the Matterhorn and the Finsteraarhorn in the French Alps.

Don Berryman and Dave Hobill having a snack on the descent from Monta Rosa/Dufourspitze with Sandy Briggs in 1983 – Sandy Briggs photo.
Golden Hinde: South Face Ascent
By Jim Sandford
Ascend the south slopes aiming for a left diagonal heather ramp. Scramble up the ramp to the end. Climb up and right through a weakness in a prominent left-facing dihedral, then straight up the face to a slope rock ledge. Scramble up and right to a groove leading up the face. Climb this and when it deepens ascend the face on the left reaching another sloping ledge. Scramble up and right and climb a prominent granitic rock band to a rotten red ledge. From here traverse right for about 70 metres. On the summit we met the rest of the party.

An ACCVI party on the summit of the Golden Hinde 30 July 1983. L to R sitting – Don Newman, Brian Money, Dave Routledge, John Gresham. L to R standing – Cliff Syroid, Jim Sanford, Albert Hestler.

Topo diagram, Golden Hinde, South Face.

The red ledge that crosses the South Face of the Golden Hinde 2006 – Lindsay Elms photo.

The red ledge that crosses the South Face of the Golden Hinde 2006 – Lindsay Elms photo.

The South Face of the Golden Hinde 2016 – Lindsay Elms photo.
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – John Pratt
Secretary – ??
Treasurer – Albert Hestler
March 16 – Everest ’82 – The Canadian Challenge is presented in a slide show by the Alpine Club of Canada (Vancouver Island section). Narrator Dr. Stephen Bezruchka. Friday March 16, 8 p.m. in the B.C. Provincial Museum’s Newcombe Auditorium. Admission: $4, students, senior and ACC members $3, under 14 $2.
The Alpine Club Welcomes New Members
Reported in the Times Colonist Friday June 8, 1984. p.19.

Full article titled, “Alpine Club welcomes newcomers.”
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Brian Money
Secretary – Nancy Dyer
Treasurer – Albert Hestler
FMCBC Rep – Margaret Brown
Membership – Jim Kirby

Brian Money and Nancy Dyer on the summit of Mt. Baker 1990 – Brian Money photo.
Karel Hartman elected as the Western representative to the ACC board.
January 29 – Himalayas, Alpine Style – the Alpine Club of Canada (Vancouver Island section) presents a live narration by Doug Scott, one of the world’s leading high-altitude climbers. Tuesday, January 29, 8 p.m. at the Newcombe Auditorium. Admission: $4; seniors and students $3; children under 14, $2.
March 19 – Strathcona Park – will be the topic of an illustrated talk by the Alpine Club of Canada. Tuesday, March 19, 8 p.m. at the Newcombe Auditorium. Admission: $2, seniors, students and members $1:50.

Image of newspaper-printed article entitled, Recreation Calendar. Includes ACCVI trip schedule from Sunday, May 5, 1985 to October 27, with short descriptions, leader’s name and phone number.

Image of newspaper article entitled, “Hikers have sights on Island’s mountain peaks”. Includes recreation calendar.

Image of newspaper article “Recreation Calendar.”
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Brian Money
Secretary – Nancy Dyer
Treasurer – ??
November 13 – Lindsay Elms and two others climb Cotopaxi ((5897m) the second highest mountain in Ecuador.

Early morning shadow of Cotopaxi on the horizon 1986 – Lindsay Elms photo.

Lindsay Elms and friends on the summit of Cotopaxi 1986 – Lindsay Elms photo.

Cotopaxi’s crater 1986 – Lindsay Elms photo.
November 19 – Linday Elms and Frank Pomejevich attempt Chimborazo (6268m) the highest mountain in Ecuador.

Chimborazo from the summit of Cotopaxi 1986 – Lindsay Elms photo.
November 22 – Lindsay Elms and Frank Pomejevich attempt Cayambe (5790m) the third highest mountain in Ecuador.
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Don Berryman
Secretary – Julie Henderson
Treasurer – Ken Denman
Membership – Jim Kirby
FMCBC Rep – Margaret Brown

Don Berryman and Wendy Richardson on the summit of Mt. Thelwood 1988 – Sandy Briggs photo.
January 15 – Lindsay Elms solos Cerro Diablo (4210m) in Lo Valdes región of Chile.

Looking up Quebrada Lo Valdes on the route into Cerro Diablo 1987 – Lindsay Elms photo.

A view of the summit of Cerro Diablo 1987 – Lindsay Elms photo.

Looking at Volcán San José from Cerro Diablo 1987 – Lindsay Elms photo.
January 19 – Lindsay Elms solos Volcán San José (5880m) in Chile.

Volcán San José 1987 – Lindsay Elms photo.

The crater of Volcán San José 1987 – Lindsay Elms photo.
January 27-31 – Lindsay Elms attempts a solo ascent of Aconcagua (6962m) the highest mountain in Argentina.
Slide Show
Reported in the Times Colonist Saturday September 26, 1987. p.44.
Members of the Alpine Club of Canada, Vancouver Island Section, took part in a number of challenging trips during the summer. Participants will be showing slides of the outings at 7:30 p.m. at the UVic faculty club. Everyone is welcome and anyone interested in obtaining further information on the organization can contact membership Chairman Jim Kirby or newsletter editors Julie Henderson and Rob Macdonald.

Recreation Calendar, May 8, 1987.

Recreation Calendar, December 4, 1987.
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Don Berryman
Secretary – Trudi Rey
Treasurer – Ken Denman
FMCBC Rep – Margaret Brown
Membership – Murrough O’Brien
June 9 – Lindsay Elms and others climb Nevado Uros (5483m) in Peru.

Bivvy high on Nevado Uros during acclimatisation 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.

Nevado Uros 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.
June 11 – Lindsay Elms and others climb Nevado Ishinca (5546m) in Peru.

Nevado Ishinca (left) and Ranrapalca from Nevado Uros 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.

The summit of Nevado Ishinca 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.
<< LE_Ranrapalca_From_Ishinca_1988>>
Looking towards Ranrapalca from the summit of Nevado Ishinca 1988- Lindsay Elms photo.
June 13 – Lindsay Elms and others attempt Tocallaraju (6032m) in Peru.

View of Tocllaraju from Nevado Uros with tracks winding through the icefall 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.
June 22 – Lindsay Elms and others climb Alpamayo (5947m) in Peru.
Basecamp for Alpamayo 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.

Alpamayo 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.
July 3 – Lindsay Elms and others climb Huascaran (6768m) the highest mountain in Peru.
July 15 – Lindsay Elms solos Nevado Maparaju (5326m) at the head of the Cayesh valley in Peru.

Nevado Maparaju (on left) from near Nevada Cayesh 1988 – Lindsay Elms photo.
July 31 – Lindsay Elms and Rudy Van Snick (Belgium) climb the active volcano Tungarahu (5016m) in Ecuador.
July – Margaret and Ian Brown climb Mt. Albert above Queens Reach, lekw’emin/Jervis Inlet.
July 29 – Chris Odgers, Eike Kluge, Steve Madsen, Armin Sielopp climb Mt. Assinbione.
August 3 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb Illiniza Norte (5126m) in Ecuador.
August 11-17 – Lindsay Elms, Rudy Van Snick and Geoff Mahan attempt the active Volcan Sangay (5230m) in Ecuador.
August 22 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb Chimborazo (6310m) the highest mountain in Ecuador.
August 25 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan attempt Cotopaxi (5897m) in Ecuador.
August 30 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb the active Volcan Purace (4646m) in Colombia.
September 5 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb the active volcano Nevada Del Tolima (5215m) in Colombia.
October 20 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb the active volcano Popocatepetl (5452m) in Mexico.
October 23 – Lindsay Elms and Geoff Mahan climb the dormant volcano Pico de Orizaba/Citlatepetl (5611m) the highest mountain in Mexico.
Section members who passed away in 1988: Joseph Pearce (8 September) and Edith Maurice nee Willcox (21 October).
Too Precious to Spoil
Reported in the Daily Colonist Saturday February 6, 1988. p.4.
By Margery Mitchell (Victoria)
The area surrounding Cream Lake in Strathcona Park is so beautiful that a picture of it forms the front piece of the 1956 edition of the Canadian Alpine Journal. Creak Lake is surrounded by miniature mountains: Mount Septimus (6400 feet), Big Interior Mountain and Nine Peaks, both just over 6000 feet. Even in August, there are small glacier covering a few hectares, snow bridges, bergschrunds and moraines, everything a mountain walker’ heart could desire, not to mention the meadows of flowers, heaths and heathers, “all manner of singing birds” and the lovely scent of yellow cedar. From the summits of these little mountains there are magnificent views in all directions: the breakers of the Pacific 20 miles to the west; to the north the Golden Hinde, Elkhorn Mountain and Mount Colonel Foster; and to the south Mount Arrowsmith, Klitsa Mountain and Mount Moriarty. To lay waste of any of this is to spoil it all. This area is too beautiful to be sacrificed to any mining interest.
Slide Show
Reported in the Daily Colonist Tuesday October 4, 1988. p.27.
The Alpine Club of Canada, slide presentation on adventure in Kashmir, Ladakh, Nepal and the Indian and Nepalese Himalayas. Ramada Inn, 3020 Blanshard St., 7:30 p.m. Admission: $3.

Recreation Calendar, December 2, 1988.
ACCVI executive:
Chairman – Ian Brown
Secretary – Wendy Richardson
Treasurer – Larry Talarico
Membership – Murrough O’Brien
FMCBC Rep – Margaret Brown
April 25-30 – Sandy Briggs, Margaret Brown and Ian Brown complete the Pemberton Ice Cap traverse.
June 10/11 – Phil Stone and Corrie Wright make the 1st ascent of Into the Mystic on the East Face of Mt. Colonel Foster.
July 26 – August 2 – Ian and Margaret Brown climb Mt. Tinniswood above Queens Reach, lekw’emin/Jervis Inlet. They approached the mountain from the head of Princess Louisa, ascending the trail to Loquiltz Lake and then across the glaciers and ridges and the flank of Mt. Casement to Mt. Tinniswood. The trip account was published in the 1991 summer edition of Explore Magazine.

Explore magazine article entitled, “Sea Ways to Mountain Adventure.” Article and photos by Margaret Brown.

Page 2 of magazine article, “Sea Ways to Mountain Adventure.”

Page 3 of magazine article, “Sea Ways to Mountain Adventure.”

Recreation Calendar, May 28, 1989.

Recreation Calendar, November 24, 1989.

Islander Magazine, Sunday, September 10, 1989, article, “Syd has touched Island’s peaks.”

Islander Magazine, Sunday, October 8, 1989, article, “Climber’s life on top of the world.”

Islander Magazine, Sunday, December 17, 1989, article, “Rex Gibson scaled the heights.”
The Next Decade: 1990 – 1999 coming soon.
For more history, adventures and exploits of Alpine Club members, please visit our archive of Island Bushwhacker Annuals. The Island Bushwhacker Annual archive has digital editions from 1993. But you can search for information as early as 1973 using the Google-enhanced search field.

ACCVI History is a work in progress.