Date: Oct 20, 2019

Time: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Category: Hike

Rating: a day hike mostly up and then down on unmaintained trails, some exposure on rocky areas, expected to be slippery, a short distance on a water pipeline, moderately strenuous depending on the fitness level of the group 6-8 hours hiking time, ~500m elevation gain, day pack. Trails will be unclear at times due to fallen trees. Self-assess oneself for having the required patience for these kinds of conditions. This is not a fear of heights-friendly trip.

Details: a hike in the Sea to Sea Regional Park (Sooke hills) Passing the Mary Vine Falls, hopefully running wild to White Rock and Black Bear,

Attitude: today is my favourite day attitude.

Gear: good sturdy hiking boots, let’s assume sunny weather and let’s be ready for rain. Make sure you bring what is needed to stay dry, warm, well-fed and bring a daypack with the other 10 essentials. A warm drink does wonders on a cold windy day.

Contact: Zoe (Melanie) Minnaard,