Date: Aug 03, 2024 to Aug 05, 2024
Time: All Day
Category: Backpacking
Description: Let’s get our kiddos outside! This trip will be aimed at kids from 6 to 9 years old (but room to extend these) with parent(s)/caregivers. Priority to families, but open to all. This is a 3.5 km trail and it’s steep! At kids pace, the hike up will take 4-5 hours, and include many snack breaks, singing and silliness. Kids and parents will need good hiking footwear, and a well fitting backpack – food, sleeping bag, hiking gear. Hut is equipped with mattresses, and all cooking equipment. Room for 12 people. Hike up on Saturday. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 11:00 am. Sunday: a hike to 5040 summit, and along the adjacent ridge, learn wildflowers, etc. Monday: hike out.
Information about the hut:
Cost: We will share the hut booking fee. TBA