Waiver-Checking Process for the Vancouver Island Section Trip Coordinators

Trip leaders need to ensure that participants on their trips have all signed the ACC waiver. This waiver is signed annually upon renewal of a membership.

Checking waiver status:

To check the waiver, you will need to login into the 2mev system: https://2mev.com/#!/login

Once you are logged into the national database you can click the waiver verification link:


Here you can search members by name. When they show up you will see the following:

  This means the member has a valid membership and they have signed their annual waiver. 

The member has renewed their membership but it’s not valid (issued) yet because they have not signed their waivers. This should only be the case for people who have chosen auto renew and haven’t gone in to sign their waivers. 

  These are members who haven’t renewed. 

If someone has an issued membership for your section but expired for others, that means they have signed the waiver. It just means they didn’t renew with other sections they used to be a part of.

In short, if you see they have a green issued membership it means they are a member and have signed the waiver.

If a participant is a prospective member and want to try us out, they are allowed to do so for one or two trips, but must sign a paper waiver. 

Gaining Access to the waiver verification page:

If you do not have access to the waiver verification page please email Tara at the national office requesting permission at . When you send your email, please cc so the office can verify that you are a trip coordinator.