Find your dates

The calendars below shows dates that are available. Bookings can be made for dates less than 90 days from the current date. Bookings open at midnight, 00:00, 90 days before the date of bookings. Certain dates/rooms are reserved for hut maintenance, trail building and other Alpine Club activities and will not be available for booking. If the dates you wanted to book have a red background that may be why. Dates in black on a green background are available to book, if subsequent nights are available you can also book those, even if they are not black.

We cannot issue refunds but we will give credit for future bookings if the cancellation is made more than 7 days before stay date.

A door code is required to access the hut and it will be sent to you along with other information after payment.

Reservations are required for all stays at the hut. A door code is required to access the hut at all times.
Membership: ACC membership is not required to book the hut, but members get a $30 discount / room / night
Pets: NO dogs or other animals, except guide animals, are permitted in the hut. Please keep dogs away from the tarns near the hut as those provide our drinking water.
Capacity: The hut has two rooms (named Nahmint and Steamboat) with space for up to 6 guests in each room.  Mattresses are provided, bring your own sleeping bag. There is also space for up to 2 custodians in a separate area.

Winter conditions

Average snow depth on Vancouver Island at 1500m (Wolf River)

Be aware that winter conditions may be present at the hut from late October until late May/early June, even into July. Your group must be prepared for snow and possible avalanche conditions during these months. Travel time can be significantly more than in summer, we strongly advise planning for at least 2 nights. We will offer credit for any nights cancelled due to High or Extreme avalanche forecasts at treeline or below.


Room on north side of the hut

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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Steamboat is available for selected dates.


Room on east side of the hut

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Reserve of 1 available accommodations.

Nahmint is available for selected dates.